more ldap concerns

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at
Fri Jun 2 17:18:45 EDT 2006

On Friday, June 02, 2006 04:13:22 PM -0500 Will Fiveash 
<William.Fiveash at> wrote:

> The way the k*.conf enctype parameters work now is that if they are not
> set in the k*.conf file

... which, for supported enctypes, should almost always be the case...

>  then the code uses an internal version of the
> enctype parameter to determine what enctypes to use.  This is good
> because if the code is updated to support new enctypes, the k*.conf
> files do not have to change.  If you are specifying these parameters in
> various objects in the directory by default you are limiting the krb
> code and possibly creating more work for the admin.  I don't think the
> enctype parameters should be instantiated by default, only if the admin
> specifies the parameter settings via the command line.

I question the utility of setting these parameters in the directory at all. 
KDC configuration is not directory information.

-- Jeff

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