GSSAPI interoperability problem between Java 1.5 & MIT Kerberos

Seema Malkani Seema.Malkani at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 10 17:27:45 EST 2006

Ken Hornstein wrote:

>>Apparently this problem is seen only when using "des-cbc-crc" as the 
>>encryption type.
>You know, we did try it with other encryption types (at least for the LDAP
>service key in question), but that didn't change anything.
Did you try with following Kerberos configuration :

default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-md5
default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-md5

>>As for the issue seen with J2SE 1.5.0, we will fix this.
>Great!  Do you know when it will be fixed?  Also, what version of Java will
>include this fix?
Plan to fix this in Java SE 6 and Java 5.0 Update release.


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