pkinit updates

Russ Allbery rra at
Tue Dec 19 12:39:11 EST 2006

Douglas E Engert <deengert at> writes:
> Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

>> That depends on one's PAM module.  But currently, if one's PAM module 
>> does not provide a way to specify the principal, then it must infer it 
>> from PAM_USER. 

> Is now the time to get Russ to add a prompt for principal to his
> pam? Its someting that has ben missing for years.

I can certainly add that as an option if anyone wants it.  I'm guessing
that one wouldn't want to prompt by default, and I'd need some help
understanding the desired semantics and use case.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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