A documentation reviewer

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 31 12:42:11 EDT 2006


As has been mentioned a few times before, the HP OpenVMS team kindly
donated their documentation to us in order that we can have a starting
point for API documentation.

We've chosen to use doxygen as a tool and so we're going to be adding
a bunch of API documentation to krb5.h.  (People who don't want the
krb5.h they distribute to grow a lot can presumably strip these

Shortly, we could really use some help from the community in doing an
initial review of the krb5.h to correct obvious errors introduced by
the tech writer involved.  Currently, the MIT team is rather busy to
take on this task.

Is there anyone reasonably familiar with the Kerberos API who would
volunteer to spend some time on this over the next week or so.

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