Change in K4 ticket cache format

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz at
Tue Oct 18 15:41:57 EDT 2005

On Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:02:08 PM -0400 Sam Hartman 
<hartmans at> wrote:

> Jeff points out that you really don't want to write out the alignment
> record on MSB-first systems.

Well, not the LSB-first alignment record, anyway.
When we did this inadvertently, we found that neither our own code nor 
unmodified krb4 implementations could process the resulting ticket file 
past the first alignment record.

By all means, if you can come up with an alignment record that works for 
MSB-first platforms, use it (and tell me what it is, so I can update my 
heimdal patches).  If not, well, don't let that prevent you from finishing 
the work as it applies to LSB-first systems.  In this case, I think an 
improvement for only some platforms is much better than none at all.

-- Jeff

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