Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Tue Mar 8 17:13:36 EST 2005

Wachdorf, Daniel R wrote:
> It appears that there is still being development done on the PKINIT
> standard - the latest draft was is dated 2-28.  

Yes. Microsoft and Cable Labs are very interested, and in in on the
process as is Sun, MIT, Heimdal and some others.

> Does MIT have plans to implement PKINIT after it becomes standardized?

I sure hope so, but they have not said anything that I know of.

Heimdal has PKINIT that is said to work with Windows. I am trying
this today as we have a pilot project to try smartcards with windows
and have about 20 of the GemPlus cards. They work for login.

So I am trying to see what can be done with Linux and Solaris today.
Its a real struggle, as it wil take Heimdal, OpenSC, Muscle/PCSC, and
some other packages. Not all readers and smart cards are supported
either! Its a mess.

> -dan
> -------------------------------------- 
> Daniel Wachdorf 
> drwachd at 
> Sandia National Laboratories 
> Cyber Security Technologies 
> 505-284-8060 
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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