krb5 DAL (database abstraction layer) and related changes

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 7 16:13:15 EDT 2005

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Raeburn <raeburn at MIT.EDU> writes:

    Ken> In the current implementation, all the database module
    Ken> configuration information is looked up in the main krb5.conf,
    Ken> not in the KDC's own config file kdc.conf.  I'll see if I can
    Ken> fix this; it may require some interface changes.

Let's check this against the design docs.  Long term we've been
wanting to move to the heimdal model where krb5.conf and kdc.conf are
both profiles just kdc.oconf is only read by the kdc.  I don't
remember whether we committed to that in the design document.

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