proflib: krb5.conf lexer proposal

Joseph Calzaretta saltine at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 1 15:44:10 EST 2005


I've made a minor change to this lexer ( ), due to 
the existince of "FILE=" and "DEVICE=" relation values under [logging] in 
krb5.conf files.  This means that an unquoted equal sign is not always 
treated as a special character (even though I wouldn't be comfortable using 
an equal sign in a text token with today's parser).  So, at least for now:

The new lexer does this:
>The proposed lexer assumes that text tokens do not contain (unquoted):
>   '=' (equal signs) preceded or followed by whitepsace.  (So "foo=bar" 
> can be a text token but neither "foo= bar" nor "foo =bar" are text tokens)
and specifically:
>Tokens of type TT_TEXT follow a more complicated rule:
>    When outside a quoted string, they terminate in any of the following 
> cases:
>    (1)  when an LB character is encountered.  The token is terminated 
> just before the LB.
>    (2)  when an '{' or  '}' character is encountered.  The token is 
> terminated just before the '{' or '}'.
>    (3)  when an ']', '#', ';', or '=' is encountered, followed by an LW 
> character.  The token is terminated just before the ']', '#', ';', or '='.
>    (4)  when an WS character is encountered, followed by an '[' or 
> '='.  The token is terminated just before the '[' or '='.

Earlier I said:
>The (old) proposed lexer assumes that text tokens do not contain 
>(unquoted) '=' (equal signs)
>Tokens of type TT_TEXT follow a more complicated rule:
>    When outside a quoted string, they terminate in any of the following 
> cases:
>    (2)  when an '{', '}', or '=' character is encountered.  The token is 
> terminated just before the '{', '}', or '='.


Joe Calzaretta
Software Development & Integration Team
MIT Information Services & Technology

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