tickets from Multiple realms

shivakeshav santi ssksubash at
Thu Sep 9 10:40:57 EDT 2004

I was wondering if MIT is looking into providing a configurable option in the leash dialog which would enable users to get tickets from Multiple realm into a single credential cache ?
Can you please inform if there is any work being done in this direction and can we expect this to be a part of any future release.
Thank you for your help,

Shivakeshav Santi

Programmer Analyst/Senior

Cornell Information Technologies
120 Maple Avenue
Cornell University
Tel :6072551916(O)

Ability may get you to the top, but only character
will keep you there .....


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shivakeshav santi wrote:

>I was wondering if MIT is looking into providing a configurable option in the leash dialog which would enable users to get tickets from Multiple realm into a single credential cache ?
Is this really your requirement or a need to be able to support multiple 
Kerberos principals
with an ability to select the current default principal from the Ticket 

>Can you please inform if there is any work being done in this direction and can we expect this to be a part of any future release.
Leash can be used to switch between different Kerberos 5 ccaches each 
containing its own set of tickets.
This can be done via the Options->Kerberos v5 Properties  Ticket File 
field.  This sets the default
ccache in the registry.  The currently limitation is that Leash does not 
display a list of the currently
available Kerberos principals.

In the future a better UI will be available.  However, I cannot commit 
to a release date or a specific set
of functionality.

Jeffrey Altman

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