The NULL Encryption System

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 29 14:16:43 EST 2004

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Iannarelli <peteri at> writes:

    Peter> RFC 1510, section 6.3.1 refers to "The NULL Encryption
    Peter> System" 

This has been removed from draft-ietf-krb-wg-crypto-xx which has been
approved for publication as a proposed standard.  This draft is
intended to replace the sections of RFC 1510 that discuss encryption
and will do so as soon as draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-clarifications-xx
is approved for publication.

    Peter> Could someone direct me to where within the
    Peter> Kerberos documentation one might set "NULL" encryption?

It was never mandatory to implement and I don't know anyone who did.
I believe our code has a #define for the enctype, but doesn't actually
implement it.

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