Fwd: possible memory leak in 1.3.2
Will Fiveash
william.fiveash at sun.com
Fri Mar 12 12:03:17 EST 2004
(Actually I've sent this several times, using mutt and signed via gpg
but it never showed up on the krbdev list. Trying again, unsigned.)
I sent this yesterday but I never saw it on the krbdev list. BTW, I've
confirmed that there is a memory leak. I've attached a patch.
----- Forwarded message from Will Fiveash <william.fiveash at sun.com> -----
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 18:33:26 -0600
From: Will Fiveash <william.fiveash at sun.com>
Subject: possible memory leak in 1.3.2
To: MIT Kerberos Dev List <krbdev at MIT.EDU>
Mail-Followup-To: MIT Kerberos Dev List <krbdev at MIT.EDU>
I'm testing the kdc with "kdc_ports = 0" in the kdc.conf which forces the kdc
to use TCP. What I notice is the virt. memory size of the kdc continues to
grow as I run 40 instances of kinit's over and over. I suspect a memory leak
but I'm not sure at this point so I thought I'd see if someone on the list can
confirm my suspicion regarding certain fuctions. In src/kdc/network.c I see:
add_fd (struct socksetup *data, int sock, int conntype,
void (*service)(struct connection *, const char *, int))
struct connection *newconn;
void *tmp;
newconn = malloc(sizeof(*newconn));
if (newconn == 0) {
data->retval = errno;
com_err(data->prog, errno,
"cannot allocate storage for connection info");
return 0;
if (!ADD(connections, newconn, tmp)) {
data->retval = errno;
com_err(data->prog, data->retval, "cannot save socket info");
return 0;
and later there is:
static void
kill_tcp_connection(struct connection *conn)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ does not free(conn)
if (conn->u.tcp.response)
krb5_free_data(kdc_context, conn->u.tcp.response);
if (conn->u.tcp.buffer)
FD_CLR(conn->fd, &sstate.rfds);
FD_CLR(conn->fd, &sstate.wfds);
if (sstate.max == conn->fd + 1)
while (sstate.max > 0
&& ! FD_ISSET(sstate.max-1, &sstate.rfds)
&& ! FD_ISSET(sstate.max-1, &sstate.wfds)
/* && ! FD_ISSET(sstate.max-1, &sstate.xfds) */
conn->fd = -1;
So how is the newconn malloc'ed in add_fd() free()'ed?
Will Fiveash
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Austin, TX, USA (TZ=CST6CDT)
GPG PubKey ID:0x7D31DC39, Key server: www.keyserver.net
----- End forwarded message -----
Will Fiveash
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Austin, TX, USA (TZ=CST6CDT)
GPG PubKey ID:0x7D31DC39, Key server: www.keyserver.net
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