John Hascall john at
Wed Jan 14 21:31:22 EST 2004

> > It's not really a locking issue.  If all the appropriate 
> > options are turned on, the code enforces a 
> > five-strikes-and-you-are-out policy.
> > If you have 3 KDCs, you can get 15 tries at each principal 
> > because each will give you 5.  Or with N slaves I think you 
> > can get (N * 5) attempts per replication period (attack the 
> > slaves and then the master will overwrite them and you can do 
> > it again).

> > This is a minor concern.

> > In any event, I think it is fairly common for big sites to do 
> > some sort of 'near realtime' incremental replication rather 
> > than the bulk kprop thingy.

> And I suppose a more pertinent question is if you're using the
> U. of Michigan patches for replication, should you expect 5 tries,
> 15 or somewhere inbetween or perhaps a corrupt/inconsistant db?

   We're using our own replicator, but I think it is similar.
   We only replicate from master to slaves, so if you did the
   slaves first you could get 15.  I don't really care though,
   our KDCs can do 1000 attempts/sec - that's what I'm looking
   to stop.


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