KFW 2.6 beta something experience

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 12 14:11:44 EST 2004

I downloaded and installed the latest KFW beta last night and have the
following comments about the the experience:

1) The install started out asking me about language selection.  IT
    only offered the option of English.  It seems that asking the user
    to select from one option is excessive.

2) e The install proceeded to ask me to agree to the MIT license.  If
   Windows users really would feel uncomfortable installing software
   without having a click through license, keeping this screen is
   useful.  However the MIT license is a limited grant of copyright
   and not a contract.  As such the user is not required to agree to
   it for it to be binding.  I don't think we expect end users to
   violate our license, and if they were to do so asking them to agree
   probably won't help.   

3) The dialogue box asking me which configuration source to use
    allowed me to tab to the URL for the configuration file even when
    I had selected to use ATHENA.MIT.EDU configuration.  Similarly I
    could tab to the directory for configuration while ATHENA.MIT.EDU
    was selected.  It seems that allowing users to input data in
    fields that will not be used might be confusing.  That depends on
    Windows UI guidelines.

4) After KFW was installed I started leash and logged in.  I selected
   the Kerberos properties dialogue and attempted to change my default
   realm.  Doing so failed with an error about being unable to save

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