Debugging API for krb5

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 5 18:04:15 EST 2004

On Thursday, Feb 5, 2004, at 17:59 US/Eastern, Derek Atkins wrote:
> How are magic numbers any worse than magic strings?

Strings would give us a layer of indirection.  If we change the numbers 
around, add levels, whatever, we could (1) make the string processing 
do something reasonable for the previously-used strings, or (2) make 
the string processing ignore the old strings.  If we use numbers 
directly, there's a good chance that an "old" number would enable the 
spewing of debug information from some random part of the code that the 
user or sysadmin doesn't care about.

It is just debugging info, so it's probably not that important.  If the 
user or sysadmin has turned it on, they should be expecting lots of 
random spew.


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