No subject

Welsh, Armand Armand.Welsh at
Thu Dec 2 16:22:44 EST 2004

I have been working with Microsoft for nearly 3 weeks now, and I have
sent them dozens of transaction logs, network dumps, screen print outs,
and they have not been able to explain to my why my GSSAPI tests were
failing.  They claim their GSSCLIENT/SERVER tools are wire compatible
with with MIT tools, and here in the MIT document is the Grail of which
I have been seeking.... The programs are not compatible..... 
Can you please send me a link to the revised versions of these sample
applications?  Thanks!


	GSSAPI Sample Client (gss.exe):

	The GSS API Sample Client provided in this distribution is
compatible with the gss-server application built on Unix/Linux systems.
This client is not compatible with the Platform
SDK/Samples/Security/SSPI/GSS/ samples which Microsoft has been shipping
as of January 2004.  Revised versions of these samples are available
upon request to krbdev at  Microsoft is committed to distribute
revised samples which are compatible with the MIT distributed tools in a
future SDK and via MSDN. 


Armand Welsh
AVP, Information Security 
State Street IMS
1400 Newport Center Dr. 
Newport Beach, CA  92660
t: 949-720-6918 / f: 949-719-4192


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