Ticket enc types

Tsach Moshkovits tsach.moshkovits at exlibris.co.il
Sun Aug 1 05:07:59 EDT 2004

Dear developers,
When sending a service ticket to the service server, I'm getting :
"Bad encryption type"
while verifying the ticket (I'm using krb5_rd_req at the server-side).

I believe the service-server's keytab is fine but I suspect the ticket enc
type (which is "ArcFour with HMAC/md5" ) is 
not supported by the service server. when acquiring service ticket, is it
possible to ask for different enc type? 
I can see how to control the session-key type when using
but not the ticket enc type (I'm using krb5_mk_req() to get the service

Any help will be appreciated



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