krb5-1.2.8 - error: KerberosSupport.h not found

James james00_c at
Tue Oct 7 16:40:09 EDT 2003

--- Sam Hartman <hartmans at> wrote:
> >>>>> "James" == James  <james00_c at>
> writes:
>     James> I am trying to build krb5-1.2.8 on a Mac
> 10.2.8 only
>     James> because I need some of its libraries for
> re-compiling
>     James> aklog. One such library is libkrb524.a
> which is not
>     James> included in 10.2.8. I am receiving the
> following error
>     James> messages when trying to re-compile:
> You cannot build 1.2-based Kerberos versions on MAC
> Os.
> Please see for an
> aklog that will work
> on the Mac.

I have already tried that aklog and the error messages
I receive are:

Couldn't get AFS tickets and Key table entry not found
while getting AFS tickets. 

>From the errors and it is my understanding is that
version of aklog cannot convert a v5 ticket into an
afs token. Hence the need to re-compile.  Are there
any other ideas or suggestions?  Thanks!

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