unable to log into aggaard

Donn Cave donn at u.washington.edu
Tue Jan 21 15:43:01 EST 2003

Quoth Matt Crawford <crawdad at fnal.gov>:
| Yup.  I made the same change here so users would know which of the
| two possibilites it was.

Speaking of changes to check_padata(), we're using one of yours to
accommodate Microsoft's password changing application.  Cf. June 6
2001, "Treatment of unsolicited, unknown padata fields" and September
26 2001, "Re: Change PW from W2k on MIT KDC ?"  I guess I should have
submitted that clock skew change to krb5-bugs instead of just mentioning
it on the list.  Did anyone ever send this patch of yours in?

	Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington
	donn at u.washington.edu

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