Generating KRB5 keytab Ticket

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 23 18:19:56 EST 2003

>>>>> "Talwar," == Talwar, Puneet (NIH/NIAID) <PTALWAR at> writes:

    Talwar,> HI, I am having some issues creating krb5.keytab ticket
    Talwar,> on Windows 2000 server.  I have followed the direction on
    Talwar,> how to create krb5.keytab file from the following URL
    Talwar,> below.

Hi.  The krbdev list is a mailing list for discussion of development
of MIt Kerberos.

Your problem seems to be with Windows, not MIT Kerberos.  We didn't
right the program you are using to generate the keytab and we are not
responsible for its maintainance.

I suggest contacting your Microsoft support channel or using the
general Kerberos discussion list kerberos at

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