Premature Error 32 (tickets expired) in K4?

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 10 16:05:18 EST 2003

>>>>> "Ron" == Ron DiNapoli <rd29 at> writes:

    >> The problem is that K4 stores a ticket lifetime not an end
    >> time.  The life time is (for these purposes) in increments of
    >> five minutes.  So, let's say I have a ticket that is valid for
    >> 30 more seconds and I ask the KDC for a new ticket.  The KDC
    >> can either issue me no ticket, or it can issue me a ticket
    >> valid for five minutes.  If it issues me a ticket valid for
    >> five minutes then I can continue renewing this ticket for ever
    >> every five minutes.

    Ron> I understand that, in this scenario, your service ticket
    Ron> would be good for 5 minutes, but that wouldn't change the
    Ron> fact that your TGT expires in 30 seconds right?  And once the
    Ron> TGT is expired (+ 5minutes if you are perfectly sync'd
    Ron> timewise with the KDC and have applied my proposed mod)
    Ron> doesn't that prevent you from obtaining/renewing more service
    Ron> tickets?

Except one kind of service ticket I can request is a new TGT.

    >> According to Mark, the folks at Cygnus fixed this problem by
    >> changing the krb4 boundary conditions such that tickets had
    >> five minutes less lifetime than apparent instead of five
    >> minutes more lifetime than apparent.

    Ron> Just to clarify, does this mean that the code in the
    Ron> krb5-1.3.1 tree in question was purposely made that way due
    Ron> to this Cygnus fix?

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