Kerberos OS X failure

MIT Macintosh Development Team macdev at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 25 16:49:50 EDT 2003

At 9:28 PM +0100 8/25/03, g4 wrote:
>I have a problem with Kerberos on OS X, I think.
>My system recently crashed, I don't know reason for this crash, 
>although I am looking at my crash.logs. After the crash I noticed 
>some strange behaviour on keychain on certain apps.  For example 
>BBEdit's FTP access always asks for authentication even if this has 
>previously been granted as "always allow".
>I then tried to launch the Kerberos app but I get:
>"Cannot open preferences - no preferences could be found or created"  Alert.
>How can I repair this file(s). Do I need to re-install, or is this a 
>potential problem / bug that you need more info on?

No, this is normal behavior for when your computer has 
not been configured to use Kerberos, which unless you are part of a 
network using Kerberos services, it hasn't been.  Since Kerberos 
configuration is location-specific, it initially ships unconfigured 
in Mac OS X.

So, the really is trying to tell you there is no 
configuration file and it cannot proceed without one - the error 
message is worded poorly.  There is nothing you need to repair.

Kerberos is completely separate from the Mac OS X Keychain, so your 
strange Keychain behavior is not related or caused by Kerberos.

Good luck,

Scott McGuire / smcguire at
MIT Information Systems Macintosh Developer

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