problem with kerberos telnetd on AIX

David McWilliams davem at
Mon Apr 28 16:58:16 EDT 2003


Thanks for your source changes.

Please pardon my ignorance, but how do these AIX fixes get into the source 

Dave McWilliams

At 10:59 AM 4/25/2003 -0700, Donn Cave wrote:
>Quoth David McWilliams <davem at>:
>| Does anyone know if there is a version of kerberos telnetd with a call to
>| setpcred?  If not, do any of you telnetd experts have any suggestions for
>| how to modify it?
>As Jeffrey Altman pointed out, this goes in appl/bsd/login.c
>I'm appending a little wad of junk from our login.c, where my
>extensive changes have been mostly but not entirely devoted to
>accommodating AIX peculiarities.  It is excerpted from a context
>diff, but will not work as input for "patch".
>There is a little documentation in comments.  If I remember right,
>the last change allows /etc/environment to set PATH.
>         Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington
>         donn at
>*** 223,231 ****
>   #ifdef _IBMR2
>   #include <usersec.h>
>   #include <sys/id.h>
>   #endif
>! #if defined(_AIX)
>   #define PRIO_OFFSET 20
>   #else
>   #define PRIO_OFFSET 0
>--- 228,237 ----
>   #ifdef _IBMR2
>   #include <usersec.h>
>   #include <sys/id.h>
>+ #include <uinfo.h>
>   #endif
>! #if defined(_AIX) && !defined(_AIX41)
>   #define PRIO_OFFSET 20
>   #else
>   #define PRIO_OFFSET 0
>*** anywhere ****
>+ #ifdef _AIX
>+ /*
>+ **  More AIXisms.
>+ **  usrinfo() sets a privileged version of the environment.
>+ **  It's hard to say how important these are, but one known
>+ **  application is getlogin(), which is called from ftp.
>+ **  Without the following, this will erroneously conclude
>+ **  that you are "root".  (Harmless but annoying.)
>+ **  The data is concatenated NUL terminated strings, with
>+ **  an extra NUL to terminate the list.
>+ */
>+ static void
>+ aixpenv(const char *name, const char *ttyn)
>+ {
>+     char stuff[512], *cp;
>+     int len;
>+     cp = stuff;
>+     memcpy(cp, "LOGNAME=", 8); cp += 8;
>+     len = strlen(pwd->pw_name);
>+     if (len > 16)
>+       len = 16;
>+     memcpy(cp, pwd->pw_name, len); cp += len;
>+     *cp++ = 0;
>+     memcpy(cp, "NAME=", 5); cp += 5;
>+     memcpy(cp, pwd->pw_name, len); cp += len;
>+     *cp++ = 0;
>+     memcpy(cp, "TTY=", 4); cp += 4;
>+     len = strlen(ttyn);
>+     if (len > 16)
>+       len = 16;
>+     memcpy(cp, ttyn, len); cp += len;
>+     *cp++ = 0;
>+     *cp++ = 0;
>+     usrinfo(SETUINFO, stuff, cp - stuff);
>+ }
>+ #endif
>*** 1483,1489 ****
>         /* this will set the PGID to the PID. */
>   #ifdef HAVE_SETPGID
>!       if (setpgid(p,p) < 0)
>             perror("login.krb5: setpgid");
>   #elif defined(SETPGRP_TWOARG)
>         if (setpgrp(p,p) < 0)
>--- 1676,1683 ----
>         /* this will set the PGID to the PID. */
>   #ifdef HAVE_SETPGID
>!       /* AIX 4.3 complains ... possibly because p is session leader?? DC */
>!       if (getpgid(0) != p && setpgid(p,p) < 0)
>             perror("login.krb5: setpgid");
>   #elif defined(SETPGRP_TWOARG)
>         if (setpgrp(p,p) < 0)
>*** 1609,1614 ****
>--- 1803,1812 ----
>       if (setlogin(pwd->pw_name) < 0)
>         syslog(LOG_ERR, "setlogin() failure %d",errno);
>   #endif
>+ #ifdef _AIX
>+     aixpenv(pwd->pw_name, ttyn);
>+     setpcred(pwd->pw_name, 0);
>+ #endif
>   #ifdef        HAVE_SETLUID
>         /*
>*** 1737,1743 ****
>         setenv("KRB5CCNAME", ccname, 1);
>       setenv("HOME", pwd->pw_dir, 1);
>!     setenv("PATH", LPATH, 1);
>       setenv("USER", pwd->pw_name, 1);
>       setenv("SHELL", pwd->pw_shell, 1);
>--- 1935,1941 ----
>         setenv("KRB5CCNAME", ccname, 1);
>       setenv("HOME", pwd->pw_dir, 1);
>!     setenv("PATH", LPATH, 0);
>       setenv("USER", pwd->pw_name, 1);
>       setenv("SHELL", pwd->pw_shell, 1);

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