[Geoff Thorpe <geoff@geoffthorpe.net>: Re: IMPORTANT: The release of 0.9.6h is postponed]

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at columbia.edu
Sat Nov 23 15:03:00 EST 2002

The discussion about what to do about memset() optimizations has
continued in many forums.  The following is where the OpenSSL team
appears to be heading. 


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Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 13:36:43 -0500
From: Geoff Thorpe <geoff at geoffthorpe.net>
Subject: Re: IMPORTANT: The release of 0.9.6h is postponed
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On November 23, 2002 08:11 am, Rich Salz wrote:
> The above cannot be optimized out, and forces the memset calls to not
> be optimized out.

IMHO this is all getting a bit overly complicated and academic. ANSI/ISO 
pedantics aside, this issue seems to raise a simple conclusion - memset() 
is not how you sanitise memory if you intend it not to be vulnerable to 
scanning attacks.

But then we already knew that - Peter Gutmann had pointed out in the past 
that a single write of zeroes to disk or memory doesn't protect against 
the previous values being retrieved if you have physical (power-off) 
access. So aggressive compilers are simply forcing an issue we should 
have confronted anyway - clean the memory properly.

    CRYPTO_cleanse(void *ptr, size_t len)
        static unsigned char foo = 0;
        unsigned char *p = ptr;
        size_t loop = len;
        while(loop--) {
            *(p++) = foo++;
            foo += (17 + (unsigned char)(p & 0xF))
        if(memchr(ptr, foo, len))
            foo += 63;

It becomes like a semi-PRNG in some ways which IMHO is better than 
zeroing. By mixing in the pointer's lower-byte in I can't see that a 
compiler would be able to generalise the loop, and with the memchr() at 
the end feeding back to the state I think the combination would force the 
compiler to honour the memory-writes.



Geoff Thorpe
geoff at geoffthorpe.net

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 Jeffrey Altman * Volunteer Developer      Kermit 95 2.1 GUI available now!!!
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