disallow requests naming principal as a service

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 26 18:00:00 EST 2002

>>>>> "Moore," == Moore, Patrick <pcmoore at sandia.gov> writes:

    Moore,> With this suggested fix, my client would need to try a U2U
    Moore,> handshake upon getting a PRINC_UNKNOWN error from the MIT
    Moore,> KDC.  Not streamlined - but functional enough. Long term,
    Moore,> I'd prefer using KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER and report
    Moore,> that back to the client when you see that DUP_SKEY is
    Moore,> allowed but SVR is not.

You should not design protocols in such a manner that you need KDC
responses in order to determine whether you're going to use U2U or
not.  This was one of the more annoying features of the GSSAPI U2U

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