KfM 4.0 installer source?

Alexei Kosut akosut at Stanford.EDU
Thu Mar 7 21:59:00 EST 2002

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 10:30:43AM -0500, Marshall Vale wrote:
> Yes, we do plan to update the installer packages but we have a few 
> other things to finish first. If you feel that you need to Really 
> Really Soon Now distribute KfM 4.0 to your user community, we'd like 
> to hear that from folks as it will help us prioritize.

I'd like to cast a vote for As Soon Now As Possible.  We'd like to
distribute KfM 4.0 to our Mac OS X users in the very near future.

If it's not possible to release the installer sources immediately, it
would be really great if you could at least give a timeframe for when
you expect it to be completed, as that would help our scheduling.

Alexei Kosut <akosut at cs.stanford.edu> <http://www.stanford.edu/~akosut/>

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