Kerberos and Samba

Steve Langasek vorlon at
Tue Jul 16 19:01:01 EDT 2002

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 06:53:07PM -0400, Rhon Fitzwater wrote:

> >Is your Samba fileserver running the (alpha) Samba 3.0 code with ADS
> >support?
> No, we're running 2.2.4 as our test model.

> >Are you using Win2K (or WinXP) Active Directory as the KDC for
> >your Kerberos realm?

> >These are both necessary preconditions for Kerberos-authenticated
> >connections to Samba servers at the present time.
> If that's the case, I'd be curious as to why the configure file for
> building 2.2.4 has

>   --with-krb4=base-dir    Include Kerberos IV support (default=no)
>   --with-krb5=base-dir    Include Kerberos 5 support (default=no)

> listed as options.

These options allow using kerberos as a backend for authentication of
*plaintext* connections to the Samba server.

> Is there a way to get mount_smbfs to use the kerberos ticket?  You said 
> some things i mentioned before were possible, could you elaborate a 
> little more.  Thanks.

I'm not familiar with the workings of the mount_smbfs tool on MacOS.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer
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