[krbdev.mit.edu #8672] KFW 4.1 credential cache issue

Hong Ye via RT rt-comment at KRBDEV-PROD-APP-1.mit.edu
Mon Apr 30 13:11:42 EDT 2018

I first used Strawberry perl, it  gave me error when doing nmake -f Makefile.in prep-windows . Then I used ActivateState perl, it generated error when doing nmake.

What is the build environment that you can successfully build KFW 4.1? 


On 4/29/18, 10:13 AM, "Benjamin Kaduk via RT" <rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu> wrote:

    [hy93 at cornell.edu - Thu Apr 26 09:25:58 2018]:
    > Thanks for your reply. I followed the instruction from the README in
    > the source of the tarball. Here is my build environment:
    > Windows 2012 R2
    > Microsoft visual studio 12.0
    > Windows SDK 8
    > Perl 5.12.4
    I don't have a whole lot of experience with VS 2013 (or access to such 
    a setup at the moment), but one common source of trouble is ensuring 
    that all the moving pieces agree on whether 32- or 64-bit code is being 
    built (and potentially also what processor architecture).  This 
    includes at least the way that the cmd.exe shell is spawned and/or 
    initialized, and the value of the CPU environment variable.  The build 
    log snippet implies that something is trying to build 64-bit code (the 
    "obj/AMD64" in the path to libecho), but I note that the README 
    instructions start off by building the 32-bit code.  (It's okay to just 
    build the 64-bit code and not the 32-bit code for local testing; the 
    32-bit build is included in the instructions there so that the 32-bit 
    libraries can be included in the 64-bit MSI installer.)
    Separately, sometimes the source of the perl binary can be relevant -- 
    do you have Strawberry Perl, ActiveState Perl, or something else?

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