[krbdev.mit.edu #8448] Confusing error text for unset default_realm

Michael Aldridge via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu Jun 30 17:10:53 EDT 2016


After many hours of troubleshooting a fresh set of eyes determined that
the error text I was seeing was not indicative of the problem.  Here is
what happened and the solution:

I was installing a new site with a KDC whose database is stored on an
LDAP server.  The kdc.conf file did not specify a default realm and for
reasons not directly related to this report, there was no krb5.conf on
the machine in question.  When trying to run the following command, I
received an error related to the lib handle, not the root cause which
was the unset default_realm.

Command: kdb5_ldap_util -D "cn=krbAdmService,dc=collegiumv,dc=org"
stashsrvpw -f /var/krb5kdc/ldap.keyfile

Error: kdb5_ldap_util: Unable to find requested database type while
setting up lib handle

As the solution was to set the default realm, it would have been nice if
the error message actually implied that was the error.

Good luck and happy bug hunting!


Michael Aldridge
Network Administrator
Collegium V Honors College
The University of Texas at Dallas

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