[krbdev.mit.edu #8175] krb5_aname_to_localname() and regcomp()

"Richard E. Silverman" via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu May 7 08:38:21 EDT 2015

If the host has regcomp(), MIT Kerberos krb5_aname_to_localname() uses it, calling it with REG_EXTENDED. This means that parentheses should be usable for grouping within the regular expression. This doesn't work, however, because parentheses delimit the regular expression portion of an auth_to_local rule:


    The local name will be formulated from exp.

    The format for exp is [n:$d..string](regexp)s/pattern/replacement/g ...

and the code uses the *first* right parenthesis found after the opening one to determine the end of the expression:


     /* Find the end of the regexp and make a copy of it. */
     startp = *contextp + 1;
     endp = strchr(startp, ')');

So, a rule like this:

  auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1@$0](^(steve|stephen|steven)@REALM$)s/.*/stephen/

is misinterpreted, since regcomp is called with the expression "^(steve|stephen|steven".

(Checked in MIT Kerberos 1.13.1 and a few older versions).


   Richard E. Silverman

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