[krbdev.mit.edu #8038] Kadmind/kadmin.local issues after migration from version 1.12.2 to 1.13

Benjamin Kaduk via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Tue Nov 18 16:01:29 EST 2014

[andrei.maslennikov at gmail.com - Tue Nov 18 12:58:36 2014]:

> ..I have attempted to migrate the K5 binaries from 1.12.22 to 1.13 (both
> builds were done on Centos 6.6/x86_64). While the KDC is working correctly
> and I can authenticate, the "kadmind" daemon is failing to start. It is
> simply hanging and eating 100% of CPU.
> As well, when it is invoked, "kadmin.local" goes into the same 100% CPU
> loop at the very start, with a message "Authenticating as principal
> root/admin at .. with password" and does not return the prompt. [Whereas I
> can manually authenticate with "kinit root/admin" without any problem].
> If I roll back to 1.12.2, everything works again like a charm..
> The binaries were built with the vanilla 1.13 source. All the conf and
> db files were left untouched. Stracing does provide no clue. KDC log
> contains no errors. Kadmind log is empty.
> Had anyone observed anything similar migrating to 1.13?

I do not think we have heard of similar issues from other people migrating to 1.13.

The strace log (or even potentially an ltrace log) may be more informative for us than it was for 
you; are you interested in providing some sample output (proably use -s 0 to avoid revealing 
secret data)?

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