[krbdev.mit.edu #7550] SVN Commit

Greg Hudson via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Tue Jan 22 17:51:29 EST 2013

Fix iprop log reinitialization

If the master iprop log is reinitialized to serial number 0, slaves
will need to take a full dump--but after that happens, we need to know
whether the slave has taken that full dump, we we don't offering full
dumps indefinitely.

So, record a timestamp in kdb_last_time when we reinitialize the log
header, and compare the slave timestamp to kdb_last_time whenever it
has the current serial number, even if it's 0.  Test this by
performing a propagation with sno 0 in t_iprop.py and detecting
whether kpropd gets a second UPDATE_FULL_RESYNC_NEEDED response from

Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at mit.edu>
Commit: 7665c0677b59574c2c7ccd016221f8f4beafd279
Branch: master
 src/include/kdb_log.h           |    1 +
 src/kadmin/dbutil/dump.c        |    8 +-----
 src/kadmin/dbutil/kdb5_create.c |    7 +----
 src/lib/kdb/kdb_log.c           |   53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/lib/kdb/libkdb5.exports     |    1 +
 src/slave/kpropd.c              |    2 +
 src/slave/kproplog.c            |   12 +--------
 src/tests/t_iprop.py            |    8 ++---
 8 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

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