[krbdev.mit.edu #7802] krb5-1.11 & krb5-1.12: incomplete logging

Tom Yu via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Tue Dec 24 15:00:11 EST 2013

"Richard Basch via RT" <rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu> writes:

> If a user attempts to authenticate with an unknown client or to an unknown service, the service name is not depicted in the Kerberos logs.
> This makes anomaly detection harder to perform as well as impede diagnostics.
> How to reproduce:
> 1.       For AS_REQ, simply use kinit with an unknown client name (krbtgt/REALM at REALM will not be logged as the service name).

Can you clarify whether you see this with both krb5-1.11 and
krb5-1.12?  By my reading of the code, your patch to do_as_req.c
undoes the move of a code block that happened between krb5-1.11 and

> 2.       For TGS_REQ, simply use kvno to query an unknown service name.

As I recall from the code in do_tgs_req.c, the behavior for krb5-1.11
and krb5-1.12 for unknown service principal names should be the same,
so the patch probably applies to both.

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