[krbdev.mit.edu #6742] would like to be able to specify listening address for krb5kdc and kadmind

nalin@redhat.com via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri May 25 11:28:59 EDT 2012

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 03:14:10AM -0400, Nico Williams via RT wrote:
> The way inetd starts wait services is so ingrained into daemons that
> support inetd that any change to it would have to be optional and would
> take a long time to be adopted.  Still, if you can find an inetd daemon
> that can do this then we could make krb5kdc support it.

The one I had in mind was systemd:

In newer releases we still start the daemons as regular services, but
being able to have systemd wait to fire them up until clients first
attempt to talk to them could be handy.


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