[krbdev.mit.edu #7105] Building with CFLAGS+=-DNDEBUG build things

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Thu Mar 8 12:05:33 EST 2012

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To: krb5-bugs at mit.edu
Subject: Issue when disabling assert(3)ions
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>Submitter-Id:	net
>Originator:	Andreas Wiese
>Organization:	Meterriblecrew.NET
>Confidential:	no
>Synopsis:	Building with CFLAGS+=-DNDEBUG build things
>Severity:	serious
>Priority:	medium
>Category:	krb5-libs
>Class:		sw-bug
>Release:	1.10
System: Linux incendiary.meterriblecrew.net 3.3.0-rc6 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 4 18:46:34 CET 2012 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU L7700 @ 1.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

I tried building krb5-1.10 with CFLAGS="… -DNDEBUG" today.  This breaks
compilation, since »uninitialized variables« are encountered by gcc and since
build-system uses -Werror gcc bails out.

Hunting the problem down in src/lib/crypto/krb/cf2.c I found out that gcc is
right in case assertions are disabled, since the initialization of out_enctype
happens inside the assert()-statement (line 110):

  90  krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
  91  krb5_c_fx_cf2_simple(krb5_context context,
  92                       krb5_keyblock *k1, const char *pepper1,
  93                       krb5_keyblock *k2, const char *pepper2,
  94                       krb5_keyblock **out)
  95  {
  96      const struct krb5_keytypes *out_enctype;
  97      size_t keybytes, keylength, i;
  98      char *prf1 = NULL, *prf2 = NULL;
  99      krb5_data keydata;
 100      krb5_enctype out_enctype_num;
 101      krb5_error_code retval = 0;
 102      krb5_keyblock *out_key = NULL;
 104      if (k1 == NULL || !krb5_c_valid_enctype(k1->enctype))
 105          return KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE;
 106      if (k2 == NULL || !krb5_c_valid_enctype(k2->enctype))
 107          return KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE;
 108      out_enctype_num = k1->enctype;
 109      assert(out != NULL);
 110      assert((out_enctype = find_enctype(out_enctype_num)) != NULL);
 111      if (out_enctype->prf == NULL) {
 112          if (context)
 113              krb5int_set_error(&(context->err), KRB5_CRYPTO_INTERNAL,
 114                                _("Enctype %d has no PRF"), out_enctype_num);
 115          return KRB5_CRYPTO_INTERNAL;
 116      }

I consider this a bug.  Assertions aren't meant to contain program logic, but to
help the _programmer_ find bugs.  It's fully reasonable having them disabled on
production use and even if this bug won't silently be introduced since you're
building with -Werror enabled by default, it's not meant to be used like this.

I'm suggesting the following as a fix:

--- cf2.c.old	2011-06-10 20:17:37.000000000 +0200
+++ cf2.c	2012-03-08 13:26:06.614544255 +0100
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@
         return KRB5_BAD_ENCTYPE;
     out_enctype_num = k1->enctype;
     assert(out != NULL);
-    assert((out_enctype = find_enctype(out_enctype_num)) != NULL);
+    out_enctype = find_enctype(out_enctype_num);
+    assert(out_enctype != NULL);
     if (out_enctype->prf == NULL) {
         if (context)
             krb5int_set_error(&(context->err), KRB5_CRYPTO_INTERNAL,

Besides that one should ensure that no program logic happens inside assert(3)s.
This is a found-by-luck kind of bug — thanks to gcc.  I'm currently not
capable of hunting down similiar issues, but »grep -r 'assert(.*[^<>!=]=[^].*)' .«
suggests to have a closer look on this (got a hit in src/util/profile/prof_file.c
where it doesn't lead to related compile-time-errors).

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