[krbdev.mit.edu #7502] kldap plugin always writes to krbLastAdminUnlock

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Thu Dec 13 17:24:19 EST 2012

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To: krb5-bugs at mit.edu
Subject: kldap plugin always writes to krbLastAdminUnlock
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>Submitter-Id:	net
>Organization:  Red Hat
>Confidential:	no
>Synopsis:	kldap plugin always writes to krbLastAdminUnlock
>Severity:	non-critical
>Priority:	low
>Category:	krb5-kdc
>Class:		change-request
>Release:	1.10.3
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	When the kldap plugin is being used for accessing the realm
	database, if an administrator ever uses kadmin to manually
	unlock an entry in the database, an entry will have a
	krbLastAdminUnlock added to it.
	We've gotten a report that after that happens, whenever a KDC
	attempts to audit log an AS request, the KDC will attempt to
	write the current value of the entry's krbLastAdminUnlock
	attribute to the entry.  In deployments where the KDC's write
	access is restricted to specific attributes, this will fail.
	Set up a KDC and directory server using the kldap db2 module,
	and either tcpdump or directory server logging to observe any
	LDAP modify requests that the KDC makes.
	Either create a new client entry with the preauth-required flag
	set on it, or choose an already-created one and ensure that it
	doesn't have a krbLastAdminUnlock value in its entry.
	Apply a policy to the client entry that includes lockout-related
	Use kinit to obtain new credentials as the client.
	Use "modprinc -unlock" to set a krbLastAdminUnlock value on the
	client entry.
	Use kinit to obtain new credentials as the client.
	Compare the set of attributes which the KDC attempted to modify
	in the entry after each successful AS request.  The second set
	will unnecessarily include krbLastAdminUnlock.
	It's not particularly elegant, but this appears to work:

Try to avoid writing krbLastAdminUnlock when we're just doing auditing
in the KDC.  Because we know that kdb5_ldap_put_principal() only writes
the attribute when it's nonzero, we temporarily set the value to zero to
make sure that it isn't written.

--- src/plugins/kdb/ldap/libkdb_ldap/lockout.c
+++ src/plugins/kdb/ldap/libkdb_ldap/lockout.c
@@ -217,8 +217,14 @@ krb5_ldap_lockout_audit(krb5_context context,
     if (entry->mask) {
-        code = krb5_ldap_put_principal(context, entry, NULL);
-        if (code != 0)
+        /* temporarily clear the last-admin-unlock time so that we don't try
+         * to write to it -- we're just here to update audit data */
+        if ((code = krb5_dbe_lookup_last_admin_unlock(context, entry,
+                                                      &unlock_time)) ||
+            (code = krb5_dbe_update_last_admin_unlock(context, entry, 0)) ||
+            (code = krb5_ldap_put_principal(context, entry, NULL)) ||
+            (code = krb5_dbe_update_last_admin_unlock(context, entry,
+                                                      unlock_time)))
             return code;

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