[krbdev.mit.edu #5429] SVN Commit

Ezra Peisach via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Mon Feb 5 15:06:03 EST 2007

Sam Hartman via RT wrote:
> It would be desirable to actually use krb5_copy_keyblock if possible
> or if not, at least initialize the keyblock using krb5_keyblock_init.
Umm.... The code is currently (now) using krb5_copy_keyblock_contents... 
Is this sufficient?

Also - is there a reason krb5_copy_keyblock  does not use 
krb5_keyblock_init? And from
a parallel sense - shouldn't there be an equivalent for 
krb5_keyblock_contents_init (in which the
keyblock itself is not inited?)

krb5_keyblock_init goes to the crypto library to malloc the keyblock and 
for freeing it
as well...  I would imagine that the copy keyblock routines would want 
to use the crypto
library malloc arena as well...


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