[krbdev.mit.edu #2992] Kerberos 1.4 will not build gssapi_krb5.h on AIX 5.2

Tom Yu via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu Mar 31 16:10:26 EST 2005

>>>>> "James" == James A Goodwin via RT <rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu> writes:

James>       echo "Creating gssapi.h" ;  h=gss$$; rm -f $h;  (echo "/* This is the
James> gssapi_krb5.h prologue. */";  echo "\" ;  echo "/* End of gssapi_krb5.h
James> prologue. */";  cat ./gssapi_krb5.hin )> $h &&  (set -x; mv -f $h
James> gssapi_krb5.h) ; e=$?; rm -f $h; exit $e

James> The problem seems to be that an earlier line in the makefile reads:

James>       include_stdint=\#include <stdint.h>

Thanks.  It looks like we have a quoting problem in that Makefile.


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