[krbdev.mit.edu #2432] Re: problems conpiling Kerberos 1.3.1 in in NetBSD 1.6ZK

Tom Yu via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Mar 19 12:29:22 EST 2004

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To: Christian Palomino <zakhrin at freeshell.org>
References: <20040224135000.4985a39c.zakhrin at freeshell.org>
From: Tom Yu <tlyu at MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 10:53:39 -0500
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Subject: Re: problems conpiling Kerberos 1.3.1 in in NetBSD 1.6ZK
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>>>>> "zakhrin" == Christian Palomino <zakhrin at freeshell.org> writes:

zakhrin> I'm trying to compile kerberos 1.3.1 in a NetBSD 1.6ZK
zakhrin> -current. I'm getting the error:

zakhrin> working ut_exit.e_exit in utmpx is e_exit
zakhrin> checking consistency of sysV-ish utmp API... not ok
zakhrin> configure: error: have setutent but no ut_id, ut_type, or ut_pid in utmp
zakhrin> configure: error: /usr/pkg/bin/bash './configure' failed for util/pty

zakhrin>  while configuring. Do you know can I solve it? It seems like
zakhrin>  it is trying to configure for a SYSV system instead for a
zakhrin>  BSD. I had compile it fine in NetBSD 1.6.1-stable systems,
zakhrin>  but I can't get problem in this system.

Could you please send the portion of the configure script output
corresponding to the util/pty directory (from "configuring in
util/pty" to the next "configuring in" line)?  That might help us to
diagnose this problem.  I believe the problem is related to some
recent changes to utmp.h and utmpx.h in NetBSD-current which have not
propagated to 1.6.1-stable.

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