[krbdev.mit.edu #2390] Rejected posting to STDS-802-15-4@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG

L-Soft list server at IEEE via RT (1.8e) rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Mar 12 03:32:13 EST 2004

You  are not  authorized  to send  mail  to the  STDS-802-15-4  list from  your
krb5-bugs at MIT.EDU account.  You might be  authorized to  send to the  list from
another of  your accounts,  or perhaps  when using  another mail  program which
generates slightly  different addresses, but  LISTSERV has no way  to associate
this other account or address with yours. If you need assistance or if you have
any question regarding the policy of the STDS-802-15-4 list, please contact the
list owners: STDS-802-15-4-request at LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG.

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