[krbdev.mit.edu #2273] krb5-bugs: GV-Proma#x 1s Ten^cent Vigr#a,on1y 60% less expens1ve than Vlg*ra
Collette Dubash via RT
rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Mon Feb 23 03:38:07 EST 2004
<html><body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000><b><font color=#FF0000> krb5-bugs:<br>
GV-Pr0ma'x 1s Che at p Vig'ra </font></b><br>
1 "same medlcat1on, l0wer pr1ce. 1o0% guaranteed." <br> 2 1o0% money back guarantee. <br> 3 generlc brand 1s 60% cheaper <br> 4 $2.o8(per d0se) <br> 5 only 60% 1ess expenslve than Vlg,ra <br> 6 the chem1cal equ1valent of V1g-ra <br> 7 the d0ctor c0nsu1t ls free!!!
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