[krbdev.mit.edu #1158] filename substitutions needed on man pages

via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Jun 27 19:43:04 EDT 2003

[raeburn - Thu May 29 22:13:41 2003]:

> The kdc.conf man page, as installed, mentions pathnames like
> @LOCALSTATEDIR/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl.  Looks like the intent was for
> substitutions to get done; it just doesn't happen that way.

I fixed these typos.  The default filepaths in the kdc.conf and
krb5.conf manpages are correct now, I think.  As for including the full
search path in the FILES section: should we also include something about
the environment variable?

Jen Selby

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