[krbdev.mit.edu #1576] Renewable liftetimes wrong on tickets requesting lifetime greater than KDC max

Scott McGuire via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Jun 6 14:32:05 EDT 2003

If I request a renewable ticket with a lifetime greater than the maximum
allowed by the KDC, such that the KDC truncates my lifetime, the renewal
lifetime of the ticket granted to me is incorrect.

Instead of getting my requested renewable lifetime (7 days), I got a
renewable lifetime equivalent to my original requested ticket liftime (1
day).  Alexis believes the code that automatically turns non-renewable
tickets that are longer than the allowed max into renewable tickets is
interefering with tickets that are already renewable.

Setting kdc_default_options = 0 in [libdefaults] makes the problem go away.

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