[krbdev.mit.edu #1215] Generate Money Fast By Yourself
Financial Service Group via RT
rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Wed Oct 9 11:09:33 EDT 2002
<title>Secured Investements
<body><font face="Times, New Roman">
<table width="625" border=0>
<td align="center"><b><font color=#000033 size=6>Earn 15%-300% Interest On Your Money</B></font><br>
<font color=#ff0000 size=5><b>GUARANTEED</b> BY THE GOVERNMENT!
<table width="500" border=0>
<td align="center"><font color=#000033 size=4><b><u>Government Secured Tax Cerificates Provide:</u>
<table width="510" border=0>
<td align="left"><font color=#000033 size=3>
<li>The highest guaranteed interest returns compared to any other investment.
<li>A return up to 100 times your money backed by government secured property.
<li>Security in your investment that the stock market cannot compare to.
<li>Real estate for pennies on the dollar!
<table width="450" border=0>
<td align="left"><font color=#000033 size=4><b>America's largest single source
of information/education for the government tax industry. Celebrating over
12 years of providing quality, leading edge education for the serious entrepreneur & investor.
<TABLE width="530" border=0>
<TD align="middle"><FONT color=#000033 size=4><B>Receive your</font></b><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>
<b>FREE</b></font><FONT color=#000033 size=4><b> video of </b><FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>"INSIDER SECRETS OF INVESTING
<Font size=3 color=#000033>(Over 90 min. of inside strategies, a $3995 value)</font></b></tbody><TR></TABLE>
<p align="center">
<table width=250 border=0>
<td align="center"><font color=#000033><b>Fill out the <i>no obligation</i> form below for more information.
<TABLE width="400" border=0>
<TD align="center"><FONT color=#000033 size=2>Required Input Field</font><font color=#ff0000
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#333300 cellPadding=3 width=600
<TD align="middle">
<FORM action=mailto:gov.invest at virtual-biz.net?subject=Investment_Inquiry
method=post encType=text/plain>
<TABLE width="100%">
<TD align="right" width="50%"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>Name</FONT>
<FONT color=#ff0000 size=2>*</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT name=NAME></TD></TR>
<TD align="right" width="50%"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>State</FONT>
<FONT color=#ff0000 size=2>*</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT size=2 name=State></TD></TR>
<TD align="right" width="50%"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>Day Phone</FONT>
<FONT color=#ff0000 size=2>*</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT name=Day Phone></TD></TR>
<TD align="right" width="50%"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>Night Phone</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT name=Night Phone></TD></TR>
<TD align="right" width="50%"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>Best time to contact</FONT></TD>
<TD width="56%"><FONT color=#000000><SELECT size=1 name=Best time to contact>
value=Morning>Morning</OPTION> <OPTION value=Afternoon>Afternoon</OPTION>
<OPTION value=Evening>Evening</OPTION>
<TD align="right" width="50%"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>E-mail Address</FONT>
<FONT color=#ff0000 size=2>*</FONT></TD>
<TD><INPUT name=E-mail Address></TD></TR>
<TD width="50%">
<DIV align="right"><font face="Times, New Roman"
color=#000033 size=2>Objective</FONT></DIV></TD>
<TD width="56%"><FONT color=#000000><SELECT size=1 name=Objective>
value=Secured_Investments>Secured Investments</OPTION> <OPTION value=Business_Opp>Business Opp</OPTION>
<OPTION value=New_Career>New Career</OPTION><OPTION value=All_of_the_Above>All of the Above</OPTION>
<P><INPUT type=submit value="Submit Information" name=submit>
<TABLE width=490 border=0>
<TD align=middle><FONT color=000000 size=3><B>*Note:</B> If you are using a web based email system (such as Yahoo!, Hotmail etc.)
the form above will not work. Instead of using the form, please <A href="mailto:gov.invest at virtual-biz.net?subject=Investment_inquiry">click
here.</A><br><b>You need to include your name, state, and phone number in the body of the message to receive a response. Thank you.<br><br>
</b>To be removed, please send an email to: <u>remove at virtual-biz.net</u><br>
Be sure to include the word "remove" in the subject line.
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