[krbdev.mit.edu #1258]

Kevin Dunlap Kevin.Dunlap at nominum.com
Fri Nov 22 11:00:59 EST 2002

Sorry that I missed you.  I left Atlanta Thursday morning.

Yes, I am building with shared libraries enabled.
Is there a problem with them?
Here is the configure line I am using:

./configure  --enable-dns --enable-dns-for-realm --without-krb4 --enable-shared
 --prefix=/usr/local/krb5 --with-ccopts=-g


Your message dated: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 09:58:13 EST
>We're here at IETF; sorry for the delay in responding to you.
>I don't have anything during the first afternoon session.
>One question: Are you building with shared libraries enabled?

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