[krbdev.mit.edu #1257] CONTRACT PROPOSAL

pad123tt@webmail.co.za via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu Nov 14 11:34:35 EST 2002

The Federal Government of Nigeria, has mandated the
Bureau of Public Enterprise (BPE), to Privatise some
Federal Government Parastatals like the NIGERIAN
They have also instructed that any interested firm 
that wants to apply should forward their applications to 
the contract award dept., of the bureau for public ent.
we as members of the bpe are not allowed to participate 
directly in the execution of contracts,but we are interested 
in the contracts,and will make the contract awarded to your 
firm,if we agree on the conditions to protect our own 
interest. in otherwords we will make everything possible 
while you stand as the contractor .
This contract involves the sum of $500m and it is for the 
turn around maintenance of three of the major [nnpc] 
refineries that are not functioning at the moment.
As members of the bpe we know that the total cost of 
executing the contract will be $135m ,and an initial 
50% mobilization of the total contract sum [$500m] 
will be paid to the contractor as soon as the contract is
signed.therefore your interest determines the contract...

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