[krbdev.mit.edu #1242] mainline util/reconf does not work

Sam Hartman via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Thu Nov 7 13:33:28 EST 2002

>>>>> "Ezra" == Ezra Peisach via RT <rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu> writes:

    Ezra> Sam, There may be a way to make things work. Does debian
    Ezra> install something like autoreconf253? I.e. with the version
    Ezra> number appended?

Yes, but the autoreconf2.50 that Debian installs converts --localdir
into --include, then calls autoconf (unqualified with no version
number) which is a wrapper script that does not understand --include.

I think what I'd recommend for people on Debian 3.0 is set up a
directory including autoconf, autoheader, autoreconf and aclocal as
symlinks to the versioned versions of these programs and stick that
directory at the top of your path.

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