Why build a NSIS installer?

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at secure-endpoints.com
Wed Jul 9 16:08:36 EDT 2008

Kevin Koch wrote:
> If the NSIS installer is going to run a .msi, then why not use the full msi
> installer in the first place?
> Thanks.
> Kevin 
The NSIS installer provides a better upgrade/downgrade experience for 
individual end users
over the MSI installer.   The fact that an MSI is used to install a 
redistributable component
provided by Microsoft does not alter the fact that KFW's executables, 
libraries, and configuration
data are installed via NSIS scripting.

The benefit of using the MSI to install the VS C Runtime components is 
that these redistributable
objects are installed as a shared assembly with a single instance being 
installed on the machine
for all binaries that are linked to it.  The particular version of the 
assembly to be used is obtained
via the manifest data linked to each binary.  Therefore no confusion can 
be created by installing
copies of the C Runtime DLLs in a directory that is included in the PATH.

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