The very first NIM password prompt -- customer feedback needed.

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 25 14:19:06 EDT 2007

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <rra at> writes:

    Russ> Jeff's analysis is correct for Stanford University:
    Russ> "Kerberos" as a label is likely to be confusing to our less
    Russ> technical users.  We use an internal branding of "SUNet ID"
    Russ> for a variety of reasons and many users don't know and don't
    Russ> care what authentication technology is behind it.

Interesting.  We've been branding KFM as Kerberos for years and
haven't run into trouble.

I think we'd definitely be very interested in discussing this issue
with users who think it would be harmdful.
Could you forward this to the appropriate folks at Stanford for such a discussion?

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