NSIS 2.30

Danny Mayer mayer at ntp.isc.org
Tue Sep 11 07:36:13 EDT 2007

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Danny Mayer wrote:
>> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>>> I recommend that NSIS 2.30 be used for future releases.
>>> It supports a new command, RequestExecutionLevel admin,
>>> that explicitly requests execution using an administrator
>>> account on Vista.
>>> This command should be added to kfw-fixed.nsi as part
>>> of the Configuration.
>>> Jeffrey Altman
>> What needs an Administrator account? Is this for a service?
>> Danny
> KFW installs a Network Provider and any installation for "All Users"
> requires
> Administrator privileges.

That wasn't what I meant. Of course you need privileges to install. If
the Network Provider is being run as a service you should consider what
privileges it really needs to run. For example I install both BIND and
NTP to run under accounts with very limited privileges, 1 in the case of
BIND and 2 for NTP.

> Jeffrey Altman

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