KfW 3.2.2 schedule

Kevin Koch kpkoch at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 19 16:55:15 EDT 2007

Here is what we are planning for the KfW 3.2.2 release:


Two changes that are not in Beta 2 will be in the final release:  RT5823 and
RT5692.  RT5823 corrects a hardcoded Beta string in the installer.  RT5692
enables compilation on Visual Studio 2005, which is advertised in the
release notes.


The risk of breaking the Network Identity Manager application or the
installer is considered to be very small.


We expect to package, smoke test and announce KfW 3.2.2 on Monday October


Kevin Koch

Kerberos for Windows Lead Software Engineer

Information Services & Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

304 Vassar St. W92-143

Cambridge, MA 02139


kpkoch at mit.edu


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